Your Hosts - Scott and Di Drummond

Scott and Di welcome you to their beautiful country store in the heart of Porongurup, in the South West of Western Australia. Built in 1937, it has scenic gardens, play areas for your kids and pets, a large organic vegie patch, old fashioned gifts, delicious meals and a comfy range of affordable accommodation. If you stay for a while, you might be lucky enough to be visited by a family of resident kangaroos. It is run on strong environmental principals and we use fresh vegetables and fruit from our organic garden in our meals.
The site is also home to the original Porongurup Post Office which can be found at the rear of the shop.
Open daily from 8am to 5pm this store has everything you could need – groceries, drinks, fuel, gas, locally handcrafted products, toys and much more.
Porongurup National Park is a 15 minute drive east of Mount Barker, approximately 4 hours south of Perth and about 35 minutes north of Albany.
Porongurup Village Inn, Shop & Tearooms is located on Porongurup Road, adjacent to the main entrance into the Park.
Coming from Mt Barker, turn east off the Albany Highway at Oatlands Road (which becomes Porongurup Road when it leaves town).
We are roadside number 1972, where you will see the Shop and Tearooms on the right as you enter Porongurup.