Accommodation: Cottage One

Unfortunately Cottage One is currently unavailable for booking until further notice. However, Cottage Two is available!

Available for those who prefer more privacy, is a separate, fully self-contained mudbrick cottage, tucked away at the rear of the property.

The cottage is divided into two independent, fully self-contained units. Each contains one bedroom with queen bed and two bunk beds with electric blankets, an open plan lounge room with TV/DVD, and kitchen area with microwave and gas stove. There is also a separate bathroom with shower and toilet and automatic washing machine. Both are fitted with air-conditioning.


  • $150 per night for 2 people per self-contained half
  • $240 per night for 4 people for both cottages. Check availability and book both using the Cottage Page. The rate will be automatically calculated. 
  • $20 each additional person


  • Air Conditioner
  • Kitchen
  • TV/DVD
  • Washing Machine
  • Queen Size Bed and Two Bunk Beds
  • Bathroom


View details for the second of our two cottages.

One bedroom with queen bed, ensuite and fully self contained kitchen. TV/DVD and a sofa which folds out into an extra bed.

Choose from 5 rooms containing either queen, double or twin single. Shared kitchen, laundry, bathrooms and toilets.